Please contact your WIC Clinic or call 1-80 to find a WIC Clinic near you. Need Help? If you have difficulty communicating with us or understanding this information because you do not speak English or have a disability, please let us know. USDA held its 99th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum last week, offering a first look at grain supply and demand expectations for 2023. Contact your WIC Clinic if your card needs to be replaced.

WIC Card Help! You must set your PIN before shopping with your WIC Card! Call 83 to set your PIN OR if your WIC Card is lost, stolen or damaged. If you have questions about your benefits or appointments, please contact your local WIC Clinic. This form submits an email to the WIC Program's State Office.

The app is currently available for iPhone version 8.0 and higher, Android version 6.0 and higher, and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

WIC families can register in the app and are then able to check benefit balances and receive reminder messages for scheduled and missed appointments. To encourage WIC participants to consume yogurt, WIC-approved yogurt should be available in a variety of container sizes that both meet the needs of WIC. The My Minnesota WIC App can be used to instantly check if a food item is WIC-allowed and easily find WIC-allowed stores nearby.